Saturday, June 9, 2012

Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheswar Temple - A temple tour to Mangalore

            Dharmasthala Temple houses the shrine of Shiva, Manjunatha, Ammanavaru, Chandranath and the Dharma Daivas. You can very well expect a lot of crowd to this temple and so plan accordingly. We waited in the crowd (lined up) for about 3.5 hours which reminded Thirupathi to me. But in case of Thirupathi you can sit and food will be provided. Here you have to stand and all biscuits, drinks, etc. are available at your own cost. Water is served by temple persons for all the devotees. 

           Many waited till half the line and returned back to their vehicles as the line took a lot of time to move. So if you have old persons and babies with you, plan accordingly. Special tickets are available to move faster, but it cannot be afforded by normal people. Worst thing I found was, few babies and young kids were unable to resist the crowd and since u can’t move back and come to the same place, few kiddos urinate there. In few places iron rods were standing in sides without any safety cups. Many got a good slam from the iron rods. The business people around the iron cages had a good business. Then we finally moved towards the main God.  He dwelled in a Gold plated gopuram which glittered in sun. But the whole gopuram was covered such that you can’t see it from outside and hence it has lost much of its beauty. 

            This temple is very famous for its Annadhanam (free food).  The dining hall is known as "Annapoorna". There is no differentiation between rich and poor here .The dining hall was very much crowded and we got a seat in the half cleansed floor. They kept banana leaf one and by one. A guy came and just started shedding the rice from the bowl. He never listened to our words. You need more or very less, he gives the standard quantity that he can give in one shot. So many included me wasted the food. Next a guy came and poured sambar for the rice from his hip level. I got bit of sambar in my face and pants followed by rasam. Only rice is yet to be put in face. Next without even asking a guy poured butter milk (moor). Now my leaf has lot of rice mixed with sambar, rasam and butter milk. Many enjoyed the food but sorry I did not. 

              I understand, it’s really difficult to serve such a large crowd. They can better give annadhanam (free food) for limited persons so that they can serve better. As far I know, Annadhanam means serving with hospitality, not just giving food. It lacked the hospitality, which I did not like there. Anyhow, opinion differs. From there, if you walk for some time, you can see a big Buddha statue, but since we had less time we returned back to our bus and started to the next spot.

How to reach the temple:
You can ask any one and they will help you out for the route to this temple.

Distances from Dharmasthala
  •   Udupi: around 100 Kms.
  •   Mangalore: around 75 Kms
  •   Subrahmanya: around 60 Kms

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